Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Field Trip Peru Day 4: Air Please!

My savior!

 Arriving in Cusco, which is 11,500 feet above sea level, I could feel it immediately. The thin mountain air making it hard to even get my suitcase of the carousel. So, to stave off altitude sickness, I headed straight for the OxiShot booth in the Cusco airport, where they sold canned oxygen. Having worked for an oxygen company many moons ago, I know the importance of getting enough. Instead of suffering like the rest of my crew who abstained from canned oxygen, I actually did pretty well. No headache or anything, but still, I couldn't eat much and walking fast - let alone running - was out of the question. The rest of the girls tried to rely on coca tea (basically liquid cocaine), which sort of helped, but also kept them up all night. Oh well, can't win 'em all!

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