We were having so much fun at Michelle & Sean's no one could even see my shoes! |
The secret, like many, is counter-intuitive. The most hyped up night of the year requires the exact opposite from you. No planning. No special hair-dos, no new dresses, and definitely no expensive New Years Eve tickets (unless you are attending with a group of 10 or more - then it'll be fun)! After years of trial and error, anticipation and let down, I've finally figured out the formula - don't make a big deal of it. Someone will invite you to a party - maybe many parties - even if it's at the last minute. And - if you're like me, your closet is already full of broken-in high heels and chic little cocktail outfits, so really, there's no reason to go shopping. Someone is just going to spill a drink on you anyways and you can either laugh about it and have fun, or be pissed because your new frock is ruined.
Not making a fuss of the hair thing is important too - I've noticed an inverse correlation to the amount of fun I have and how much time and effort I put into my hair. Do it a few days before, so all you have to do is take a bath, put on any old sparkly thing and apply lots of
eye make-up and accessories. That's where you shouldn't hold back, it is New Years Eve, after all.
A white shirt, shiny black pants and lots of make-up did the trick in 2009! |